We hold time trials every Thursday at 18h15 @ the clubhouse.
There is a timekeeper for a 5km and a 8km distance time trial.
Visitors are welcome and all runners in the TT are urged to listen to their times when called out and ensure the time keeper has captured it. Mistakes are tricky and time consuming to correct after the fact.
After every Thursday’s time trial, capture your own time on this Google Form: https://forms.gle/YN1WDwQEsWKuZwyY6
The 5km Time Trial Route and elevation
Click here to view the Strava segment for the 5km route
Click here to download the .GPX file for the 5km route
The 8km Time Trial Route and elevation
Every winter, we launch a very popular challenge which tempts all Time Trial runners to do as many winter Thursday Time Trial runs as possible, for a shot at winning a coveted limited edition club shirt and subsequent bragging rights!
Every year, the shirt design gets a makeover. Find out more…
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